EMBRACE THE SUCK = 2000's Military slang phrase meaning to accept and persevere through unpleasant or difficult situations, rather than dwelling on the negativity, and to find strength and resilience in the face of adversity.
What does this have to do with FixBayonets?
It's another reminder to let go of those emotions that are holding you back and GET UNCOMFORTABLE.
The normal human reaction is to want to hold on tight. But you're going to have to learn to let go. Go all in.
Expect to be uneasy - that's a predictable part of the process so don't be surprised. When you EMBRACE THE SUCK and you ride the situation, but you don't really control it all that much. In fact, the only way you control it is by 1) Knowing the end goal 2)Mental fortitude and 3)Learning from your mistakes.
It is an act of faith, exhilarating and scary at the same time. You have to give up a large sense of security and safety, fight uncertainty, confusion, chaos and wrestle with a new set of problems, inviting failure into your life and possibly face criticism from people who were once part of your support group in the past.
Making you uncomfortable?
GOOD. that's a sign your moving in the right direction.
If you're experiencing NO anxiety or discomfort, the risk you're taking probably isn't worthy of your sacrifice. The only risk that aren't a little scary are the ones you've outgrown. A high level of comfort is proof that you are "Playing it safe" not growing, not testing your limits, and not in the process of becoming a better you. You might be making gradual progress - that's possible - but you're not going to make a breakthrough.
For us EMBRACE THE SUCK is a contract you make with yourself for a period of time. This is not supposed to be a never ending war. Use this strategically in your life. This is a very taxing and demanding way to approach life. It takes you away from your commonplace habits and calls for grit and nerve. It injects allot of fear and anxiety into your life. Uneasiness is a predictable psychological reaction.
It has been said that if you will do the thing you fear, death of fear is certain...
BUT REMEMBER Courage is NOT the absence of fear and anxiety. it's taking action in SPITE of those feelings.
Recommended book: Viktor Frankl (author of Man's Search For Meaning)
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